Sunday, January 6, 2008


As you can see from the pics I've already posted, it looks like we are good to go with the photo blogging straight from the K850i. Setup was fairly easy as Sony Ericsson was nice enough to pre-set their phones with a "post to blog" feature that goes straight to blogger.

I believe, however that any phone with a camera and SMS capability can be used to post to blogger just send the photo from your phone to via SMS or e-mail. Once you send the SMS or e-mail you will shortly get an text or email back to your phone with instructions on how to begin the setup of your blog.

Although my own K850i has a 5 megapixel camera, it looks like blogger bumps the resolution down to SVGA 800x600. I suppose I'll have to live with the significant scale-down of picture quality for the convenience of blogging straight from my phone.

Actually a good majority of the pictures I've already posted were actually taken with my older phone the K800i, which has 3.2 megapixel camera which isn't half bad either. Because the 3G data on that phone can only be used in Europe, I was just never really motivated to set that phone up to post mobile blogs given the data transfer would be restricted to the painfully slow GPRS technology.

Thanks to my latest phone however, all that has changed. With everything set up and running, there will definitely more photo blogs coming soon.

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