I was one of the lucky ones to sign up and be selected for the beta test of the new Mafia Wars Cuba add/on. I know quite a few weren't able to get in on it and are curious, so I thought I'd take a few screen shots as a sneak preview... Enjoy. :)

Here are a few comments and first impressions on the Mafia Wars Cuba (MWC) Beta. Please note that since this is Beta any content here is subject to change at the discretion of the Zynga developers.
Although Mafia Wars Cuba is technically available at level 35, you will be starting from scratch in terms of money, using the Cuban Peso, instead of the US Dollar, while all your spoils from the NY Mafia will remain in a separate bank account in NY. Unfortunately there is no "Currency Exchange" option in the beta so you will have to earn Cuban Pesos the old fashioned way by doing Cuban Mafia jobs.
This will open up an entirely new set of Job Challenges. This is perfect if you worked all the way to the Master Boss rank and technically have no other Jobs to do except to repeat already mastered jobs for the cash, experience and possible loot.
My recommendation if you aren't in the Beta, is to work on mastering all of the tiers/ranks of the NY Mafia and just get that out of the way so you are not dividing your energy between your mafia in Cuba and NY, once they open up the beta or turn it into a full release.
As it stands right now, your Attack/Defense, Stamina and Energy, while still important for the NY aspect, in terms of attacking, defending, hit listing, etc. are no good for earning Cuban pesos, making Energy the most important statistic in the MWC Beta.
Even if you on are the "Cuban side" and start fighting other Mafia, you will Fight NY Mafia and earn NY dollars, so the only way to earn Cuban Pesos, initially at least is through Cuban Mafia Jobs. You can then use those pesos and invest in businesses (more on that later).
So again, if you aren't in the Beta, work on reaching the Master Boss Rank, growing your Mafia to 501, balancing your stats so that you aren't too low on energy, and scoring some of the better equipment loot, should be your priority. That way you aren't dividing your energy trying to rank both Mafias.
(to be continued...)